Review: Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road

by Kate Harris
(Dey Street Books, 2018)

Powered by imagination, grit, a bicycle, and a travel companion, Kate Harris ventured twice—in 2006 and again in 2011—to travel more than 10,000 kilometers of the ancient Silk Road including the Tibetan Plateau. The Silk Road is a network of ancient routes linking China, Central Asia, and Europe, where caravans transported trade goods (and culture). More than a travelogue, this substantial narrative detours into myriad topics that spark the author’s intellectual curiosity: ecosystems, borders, history, the notion of exploration itself. An Oxford-educated Canadian with a love for ideas, poetry, and adventure, Kate writes with lyrical intensity—so much so that I’ve underlined a quotable passage from just about every page. Read my full review on BookBrowse.

Lands of Lost Borders Cover.jpg
Karen Lewis